Women experience unique health issues and conditions, from pregnancy and menopause to gynecological conditions, like uterine fibroids and pelvic floor disorders. The health issues we are going to discuss here affect women only. Some other conditions influence men too but affect women primarily or more severely.  You must know What Are Women’s Health Issues? Furthermore, many women’s health conditions go undiagnosed and most medicine trials do not include female test subjects. Even so, women tolerate exclusive health concerns, like breast cancer, cervical cancer, menopause, and pregnancy. Women endure elevated heart attack deaths compared to men.

Depression and disquiet exhibit more habitually among female patients. Urinary tract conditions present more often in females, and sexually transmitted diseases can do more harm to women. There are conditions that there most frequently found in women, and can cause considerable health risks.  There are a variety of health issues such as Breast cancer, which typically originates in the lining of the milk ducts, can increase to other organs, and is the most violent cancer affecting the global female population; Autoimmune disease occurs when corpse cells that eliminate threats, such as viruses, attack healthy cells. As this condition continues to rise among the population, researchers remain baffled as to why the condition affects typically women.

Here is a list of what are Some Women’s Health Issues

Maternal health: Many women are currently benefitting from huge improvements in care during pregnancy and childbirth introduced in the previous century. Almost 300 000 women died from difficulty in pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these deaths could have been banned, had access to family planning and to some quite fundamental services been in place.

Cancer: Two of the most frequent cancers affecting women are breast and cervical cancers. Detecting together these cancers early is key to maintenance women alive and healthy. The latest total figures show that around partially a million women die from cervical cancer and half a million from breast cancer each year.

HIV: Three decades into the AIDS epidemic, it is youthful women who bear the brunt of new HIV infections. Too numerous young women still struggle to protect themselves next to sexual transmission of HIV and to get the action they require.

Mental health: Studies suggest that women are more prone than men to experience anxiety, despair, and somatic complaints bodily symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the majority common mental health problem for women and suicide a most important cause of death for women under 60.

Being young: Adolescent girls face numerous sexual and reproductive health challenges: STIs, HIV, and pregnancy. Concerning 13 million adolescent girls (under 20) give birth each year.

Besides the frequent dangers and diseases, women become wives and mothers repeatedly when they are just emerging from their own childhood. Many women experience a great number of pregnancies which may or may not have been desired by them. So, there are many other health related issues that women suffer from.