Gemstones are rocks that look like diamonds and other precious stones and are used for channeling the right energies to the right places. Everyone who’s into this already knows that more gemstones are doing a different job depending on what is needed.

On the internet, there’s not one gemstones list with pictures and meanings, but that takes a lot of reading and researching. You should know easily what gemstones are made for, and what kinds of energies they are transferring on to you and the surrounding.

In this article, we’re going to share a couple of tips that will help you always know what the right gemstone is, without even looking at pictures to know what this rock is. Follow up if you want to know more about these things, and learn how to know what you’re looking for or holding in your hand.

Price means nothing

Although most people think that gemstones are cheap and everyone can buy them, while diamonds are expensive rock that goes for millions of dollars, the truth is that there’s no rule when it comes to money.

Don’t be surprised if you hear that a gemstone is worth more than a diamond, but at the same time, you can hear that a piece is also worth so little that anyone can afford it. There are tons of various reasons that will determine the price, so be sure that you’re not walking away from something marvelous because it’s affordable and you think it’s not real.

Gemstones have color

Only diamonds are entirely see-through like glass. Every other precious or semi-precious stone will have a particular color. Some of them are bright yellow, others are deep green. The colors can make you feel special if you have one that you consider lucky or you simply love to have it by your bed while sleeping.

Any color is available when we’re talking about gemstones. All of them, together with the shape of the rock, will easily determine what kind of gemstone we’re talking about. Of course, the chemical substance is much more important, but experienced gem cutters and dealers will see the difference immediately and will know they’re dealing with it.

For example, Amazonite is green and looks like there’s an ongoing storm inside it. Sardonyx is red and looks like the stones that Zen masters would paint to put in the send where they do their meditation sessions. Iris Agate has many colors within and looks like a seashell cut in half.

Be aware of the lab-made stones

On the market, you can find tons of rocks that are made in the lab. They are not real gemstones but are made in factories to resemble them. These won’t transfer the right energies, and you should avoid them. See more about them here.

Only natural gemstones are the real deal and only experienced dealers and gem cutters can see the difference by thoroughly examining them.

Some synthetic gems are made so good that it is hard to notice them. If the rocks aren’t working for you, you might want to take them to an experienced dealer to see if there’s a difference in creation. Natural gems are available in nature, and they can only be cut and shaped to get the perfect appearance but have no interference in their creation.

Natural stones are an amazing gift, while factory-made replicas are nothing more than a piece of plastic trying to act like a diamond. Of course, they all look wonderful, and you can wear them around your neck if you’re trying to show class, but be aware that this is just a replica, and it’s not the real deal.


When you’re about to get yourself a gemstone, or you’re interested in them, you should know everything there is about gemstones. The things we talked about above should help you make more sense of them and learn how to detect them. If you want to learn more about gems, click this link:

It’s easy to know what gemstone you’re talking about by simply describing it. When you walk into a store and see many of them on the aisle, you should instantly know what you’re looking at.