No manual? Then it’s best to google online or simply try the stitch on a piece of fabric to see what the effect is. Incidentally, it is advisable to try these stitches on some pieces of fabric so that you can see for yourself and experience what they do and how they react to certain fabrics. The use of the Overlocker Thread comes easy there.

Length And Tension Of The Stitches

We mentioned it in the beginning, but the length and tension of the stitch is also important in selecting and adjusting your stitch. What is influenced by this is the distance between one needle hole and the next, and how tight the thread must be tensioned between these two holes. For example, for one project you sometimes want a looser sort of sting than for another, for example when you want to keep the stretch in it. Below an example of a straight stitch and a zigzag stitch in different lengths:

Nowadays, most machines (if you have an electric one) automatically set the correct length and width when you select a certain stitch. You no longer have to worry about it unless you use a separate substance. Often this is a matter of trying it out, but here test pieces of fabric come in handy!

As we already described, there are a lot of things you need to do before you start sewing. Think of buying and drawing patterns, bringing in fabric and deepening how to actually work the sewing. And especially at this last point there is a lot to tell! Aside from a sewing machine, you need even more to sew, both in terms of stuff and knowledge.

In this article we want to briefly introduce you to the basics of sewing. Think of explaining concepts such as stitches, hems, and ruffles but also tell you more about the importance of the right thread and needle, and of course explain how you can make some basic items of clothing such as t-shirts, skirts, and pants.

The following is just a brief explanation of all these topics but no worries, we have also written an extensive article about everything that you can use to gain more in-depth knowledge.

The Basis Of Sewing: Needle And Thread

Needle and thread are the basis of sewing whether you do it by hand or with the machine. It sounds so simple but the thread goes through the eye of the needle and because the needle goes through the fabric you can start sewing. When working with a sewing machine you always have one bobbin (the spool on which the thread sits) that comes from above the machine and goes through the eye of the needle and a thread that comes from the bottom and the bobbin. This combination of two threads and the needle ensures that, together with the type of stitch that you choose, the chosen fabric is sewn together correctly and also stays in place with neatly finished edges.

And however simple it may seem, even the type of thread and needle that you choose for your projects will influence the result.